orlaghclaire.com was created September 2016 as an outlet for me to document my thoughts and views on the world of PR, Influencer Marketing and anything else that interested me.
This blog has followed my journey of being a PR student in Liverpool, to a year working in London, back to graduating in Liverpool and then a year spent working in Influencer Marketing in New York City.
Over time, Orlagh Claire has adapted from student experiences, to posts surrounding public relations, to travel and music, and everything in between.
What started out as a hobby has now turned into a side-hustle of sorts as I find myself spending every free minute thinking about content, ways to improve and wanting to make OC a resource for everyone and something visitors will find useful.

An Award-Winning Blog
In May 2018 I was named as the UK’s Best PR Student Blogger and I still can’t quite believe it. It’s one of my greatest achievements to date and never did I think when I started my blog or published my first blog post that I would be at this point less than two years later.
I am so thankful that people (like you right now) take the time to read my blog. After all, it’s just my thoughts on paper and who’d have thought people would find that interesting?!
Being named the UK’s Best PR Student Blogger is definitely something I will cherish for a very long time – blog post here.

In May 2019, I was named as the UK’s Best PR Student Blogger for the second year in a row. It was during my final year of university, and was my last opportunity to take part in the competition.
I didn’t think with the challenges and pressures of final year that I would be able to keep up with my blogging schedule, but I introduced three new blog posts every week alongside my studies, part-time job and socialising (and there was a lot of socialising) so I definitely surprised myself with what I could produce.
My blog had only been around for two and a half years and I still can’t believe the success that I have achieved with it and the amount of people that come to read what I write. My blog wouldn’t be here if people didn’t continue to read and visit, so really, I owe it all to you, the person reading this right now.

In 2019, I was shortlisted for a UK Blog Award in the PR, Comms & Marketing category. Following a public vote and judges decision, I made it to the final eight. I honestly can’t quite believe that I have made it to the final of a UK Blog Award in my chosen category and can’t thank my readers, family and friends enough for their support.
I interview a lot of people here on my blog, but on a few rare occasions, I have become the interviewee.
To read my thoughts about PR, blogging, placements, and inspirations among other topics, check out the below interviews with myself.
- PR Academy – Having a blog solely about public relations set me apart from other students
- Strategic Magazine – Q&A with Orlagh Shanks, Contributor
- PR Careers – Student Life: Orlagh Shanks
- Lucy Emily – Thursday Thought: Student Profile with Orlagh Shanks
- Jessica Pardoe – Meet the PR Blogger – with Orlagh Shanks
- Siobhan McKerr / Ulster PR Student Blog – Introducing Orlagh Shanks: An Interview with the UK’s Best PR Blogger 2018 & 2019
- What Charlotte Said – Thursday Thoughts with Orlagh Shanks
- Confessions of a HR Addict – Monday Motivation With Orlagh Shanks
- Harriett Bolton – PR=PA? The Stereotypes of Being A Woman in PR
Guest Posts
You can also find other posts that I’ve written for different sites below on various topics:
- Flair Journal – How to Make it into the PR Industry
- LID Publishing – Mindset Books: Why We Need Them and How They Can Improve Your Life
- StudentJob UK – Why Everyone Should do a Placement Year
- PR Place – How I Write a Blog Post
You can read articles that I have penned for various publications below:
- Strategic Magazine Autumn 2022 – Businesses Should Act on What They Say
- Strategic Magazine Summer 2022 – Attracting Employees in the New Working World
- Strategic Magazine Spring 2022 – How Media Coverage Impacts Business Growth
- Strategic Magazine Winter 2021 – How the Pandemic Impacted Influencer Marketing
- Strategic Magazine Autumn 2021 – The Ethics of Online Influencers
- Strategic Magazine Summer 2021 – Third Party Endorsement – Who Do You Trust More?
- Strategic Magazine Spring 2021 – The Champagne Career: Changing the PR Stereotype
- Strategic Magazine Winter 2020 – Adaptable Workforce Starts With Managers
- Strategic Magazine Autumn 2020 – Living the American Dream with a Different Backdrop
Crazily, I’ve been cited and mentioned in the PR textbook, Rethinking Public Relations: Persuasion, Democracy and Society Third Edition by Conor McGrath and Kevin Moloney which you may find in your university library.
- PR Academy – Alone, together
Contact Me
If you would like to know more about the name on your screen, find me on Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.
Or contact me via email: [email protected]