I was asked this question a lot coming up to the end of the year. Being honest, I don’t really know how I managed it myself.
I had high hopes of reading 16 books in 2020, aiming for at least 12 books in 12 months. Then when COVID-19 hit, I was spending a lot of time indoors and had completed Netflix.
Then the obsession began. I was reading constantly. Taking my lunch breaks to sit in a coffee shop for an hour with a Diet Coke and my book – bliss. Anytime I was on the subway, a book would be in my hand.
Any time I could find, I would read. If you would like to know all 78 books that I read in 2020 and their reviews, you can find those here.
Lockdown Reading
The many lockdowns that we faced in 2020 were a huge contribution to the number of books I read. It all started in March when I had to quarantine in my flat for two weeks and so ordered a number of books to sink my teeth into.
I got through a lot of books very quickly and was reminded of what it feels like to read a really good book and that little feeling of achievement after finishing a book.
With nowhere to go, and nothing much to do during the lockdowns, I kept ordering second-hand books and browsing the charity shops of New York and Liverpool, to fuel my book-buying addiction.
Related post: The 10 Best Books I Read in 2020
Morning, Noon, and Night
Any free time I could find, I read. By the end of 2020 I was waking up 30-60 minutes earlier just to fit in more time to read. I would read before going to bed, in the evenings, and during my lunch breaks.
Any time that I could have been spending writing my blog, or doing anything else important, I spent it reading.
Looking back, it may not have been the best way to spend my time during the year, but I enjoyed it and it got me through the unending restrictions and tiers.
Turn Off Distractions
When I’m reading, I try not to have my phone near me or the TV on. I flip the screen of my phone over so I won’t see any notifications coming through and I try not to have any background noise so I can focus solely on the book.
The only way I find it easiest to read is if there are no distractions going on around me. Otherwise I have to read the same paragraph around five times before the words actually sink in.
Related post: 10 Anticipated Reads in 2021
Take It One Book At A Time
Some people read multiple books at once or listen to an audiobook while reading a physical copy simultaneously. I can’t read more than one book at once or I get confused between the storylines.
So although this is a quicker way to read more books, I don’t find it enjoyable or practical for my style of reading.
How Many Will I Read This Year?
I’m aiming for 52 books this year, hoping to again complete the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge. I don’t think I’ll reach 80 books by the end of 2021, and part of me really hopes I don’t.
I’m praying that in 2021 I’ll be going out more, traveling more and simply not have time to read as the world restores itself to order. However, I do now wake up at 7am every morning to fit in an hour of reading before starting my day and I usually pick up my book again in the evenings, so who knows what number I will end on this year.
What I do know is that I have without a doubt rediscovered my love for reading and don’t see that going away anytime soon.
Have you set yourself a reading challenge this year? Tell me all your recommendations, and keep up with my reading at @orlaghclaire or @ocbookshelf on Instagram.
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