I’m almost finished my #12BooksIn12Months challenge and we’re only halfway through the year! I think if I didn’t set myself this challenge at the beginning of the year, I still wouldn’t have picked up a book at all.
I could never complete the #52BooksIn52Weeks challenge, so I’m going to have to meet somewhere in the middle. I’ve now read 10 books, so maybe I can get to 20 by the end of the year.
As I’ve said before in Chapter One of this little book club, I mostly read self-help/motivational books and I’ve slowly been moving away from this to read more factual books about the mind and society which I find extremely interesting.
Below are the most recent five books that I’ve read with reviews and links to where you can purchase them yourself. Happy reading!
1. #Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso
This book is basically my bible. I’ve written blog posts about this book before, and this was the third time that I had read the book cover to cover. I first read this book the Christmas after I started my blog (around four months in) and it changed my entire perspective on everything.
At the time, it was the book that I really needed to read. It gave me a massive kick up the ass and taught me that things will not just fall into my lap, I have to work for them myself.
So if you’re needing that kick up the ass yourself, some motivation or to learn how you can build an empire from absolutely nothing – I would totally recommend this book.
2. Legacy by James Kerr
I was given this book by the Head of Luxury at Coty during my placement year. It’s very much about working as a team as the book follows the New Zealand rugby team (the All Blacks) who are seen as the most invincible rugby team of all time.
But why do they appear invincible and what makes them work so well as a team? The book puts all of the sporting ways of working into business examples and shows how the two can align.
This book seems to be more geared toward business leaders and owners, but you can still learn something from the All Blacks’ way of life and how they act. They’re a very grounded team and a lot of other sports teams out there could learn a lot from them.
3. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Before you think I’m going to say that every book has changed my life, I won’t. But this one and #Girlboss back in 2016 have both changed my life in completely different ways.
If you read any book from the ones that I recommend, please read this one. Before you blow it off as witchcraft or absolute waffle – just try it. I’m a huge believer in the Law of Attraction and practice it quite a lot.
I kind of wish this book had come into my life much sooner, but I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today or had the experiences I’ve had if it wasn’t for practising the Law of Attraction. I owe everything to it. Trust me, you need to know the secret and once you do, you’ll watch your own life change for the better.
4. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
I saw this book so many times on Sinead Hegarty’s Instagram story that I had to buy it. It seemed that everyone was reading it and becoming enlightened. But I have to say that the majority of it went right over my head.
I do understand the whole ‘living in the now’ aspect and to stop looking into the future when all you have is the current moment you are in, but the book did get very technical and deep and it was quite a lot for me to understand.
It is worth reading, but I would recommend reading The Secret if you were choosing between the two.
5. Lost Connections by Johann Hari
This is another book I had seen recommended by Sinead but more so by Siobhan O’Hagan on her Instagram stories. The book is subtitled ‘Why You’re Depressed and How to Find Hope’ but it’s not just for people that are feeling depressed as I wouldn’t put myself in that category.
Most of all, it teaches you why people become depressed, how antidepressants just don’t work and that depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance but rather factors that take place or have taken place in a person’s life.
The best thing about the book is that it looks at all the reasons that people can become depressed and compares today’s society with previous generations and why depression is now such an epidemic. It also gives examples of how we can reconnect with ourselves and with the world in order to get better and to have a better relationship with ourselves and with our mind.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would really recommend it to everyone, whether you are feeling depressed or not – it’s definitely worth reading!
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