I didn’t think there could ever be a more suited collaboration on my blog than with Diet Coke, but ladies and gents, I have been proven wrong. You know how most humans are made up of 60% water? Well I’m 60% caffeine. So when Pro Plus asked me to become an ambassador, there was no questioning it.
This is the first post in a three-part series, which will see me challenging my student self to live like a Pro when it comes to budgeting. First up? How to Party Like a Pro – I mean, who better to guide you than her Lordship of Concert Square? I’ll be taking you through the best places to go with the best offers and how you can even end the night with a takeaway, all for under £30. Think you can’t go out for six hours for as little as that? Think again.
From endless days of studying in bed and nights spent in the library (all with the help of Pro Plus to keep me going), when it comes to the weekends, I like to reward myself with a weekend on the town.
Recycle your wardrobe
First thing’s first when it comes to a night out: your outfit. If you think you look good, you’re way more likely to enjoy your night and feel confident. But that doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy a new outfit every single weekend. I usually go out from Friday to Sunday, so imagine the money I would be spending if I was to do that. I try to avoid fast fashion consumerism as much as I possibly can.
I can bet if you were to go through your wardrobe, you’d find at least five items of clothing with the labels still on. Don’t let that money go to waste, blow the dust off them. If not, there’s always a new way to wear something you’ve already worn. Stick a top underneath a dress, pair a different set of jeans/trousers with your top or throw on a jazzy jacket to spice up the outfit. I’m still repeating outfits from my first year and I’m not one bit guilty.
Better yet, if you’re wanting a new look, borrow from your friends. There’s nothing better than wearing an expensive outfit that you didn’t have to pay for and can return to your friend the next week. Just make sure you take a picture in it to post to your Instagram.
The night begins
Pre’s are the main reason we students are able to go out and not spend as much money and the bars aren’t too thankful for it. Some of my most cherished memories of first year at university were when we all sat around our kitchen table with a deck of cards, a mini-roulette wheel and someone’s rubbish Spotify playlist.
I’m going to take it back to my first year days when I was more cultured and visited more than one place in a night. These days I go straight from my house to McCooleys, from there to the Raz and then straight to bed. Every weekend.
As I live across the street from Concert Square, no taxis are needed, saving even more money. If there’s a large group of you headed to town, splitting a taxi should only come to £1 or £2 each. If you’re really stuck, the buses constantly run and you could even get a Day Rider for £2 which would get you home again in the morning.
Pre’s end at 12am, and we make our way out. First stop of the night is Cava, the local tequila bar, located next to Popworld. There are so many different flavours for £1 each. Next, we’ll head up the street to Soho on Concert Square for free entry and cheap drinks. We stay there for an hour and maybe have another drink.
By 1.30am/2am it’s time for McCooleys. Another place with free entry and always overcrowded, head to the top bar where the queue isn’t as busy. You’ll also find all the Irish people in that part too.
By 4am when McCooleys closes, the night is almost over, but not quite. Out onto Fleet Street, take a right through Slater Street and a left onto Seel Street. It’s then a long hike to the top to make an appearance in Liverpool’s best nightclub; The Raz. Once 6am comes around, it’s off to Botan for a manky kebab and time for bed.
Cheap as chips
With the average budget for a student night out being £27.14 (to be exact), I think this plan will help you do really well! People often question how I afford to go out so much, but as most of the places I frequent (read: McCooleys) don’t charge entry, and most places have cheap drinks, I don’t tend to spend that much. Bear in mind that I also live across the street so never have to pay for taxis or buses. Most nights I go out, I could start with £20 and come home with change.
There are many, many more places in Liverpool to go for a night out other than the ones I have mentioned – that’s just where I like to go. I wish I was more cultured and visited different places every weekend, but I’m a creature of habit I guess.
Other places worth visiting for a budget night out in Liverpool include: Slater’s Bar – a good place to start off; Baa Bar – free entry, cheap drinks but prepare to have it knocked out of your hand as it’s crowded and everyone dances; Einstein – on Concert Square, not as busy, large outside area; Woodies – if you like a dive bar with a karaoke, this is the place for you; Fusion – £4 entry but open until 6am and another good place to end the night if you have lots of energy left.

Work hard, play hard
With so much studying, it’s important to take a break and enjoy a night out with your friends. For days in the library you might need an extra boost of energy. Pro Plus gives you a caffeine kick that helps you get over that tired feeling so that you can last longer when it comes to the final hours before your deadline is due.
Two tablets contains 100mg of caffeine, which is the same as one cup of strong coffee. It’s recommended that you don’t take Pro Plus with alcohol, and I only take it when I’ve got a deadline and need to get work done.
It’s also recommended that you don’t take more than 8 tablets in one day and is only suitable for adults aged 16 and over. For more information, check out the Pro Plus website: www.proplus.co.uk or their Instagram page @Proplus_official.
Pro Plus is available in 12, 24, 36 and 48 tablet packs and priced at: 24 tablets (£2.67), 36 tablets (£3.53), 48 tablets (£4.62).
*This is a sponsored collaboration with Pro Plus. All views are my own, and I wouldn’t recommend anything I wouldn’t use or purchase myself. If you know me, then you’ll know how much I like my caffeine.*
#ProPlus #LiveLikeAPro #Pro-fessor
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