I’m not going to lie, I completely forgot about my month six roundup! With being home, Christmas, the New Year, it totally slipped my mind! It’s now the end of month seven, but let’s pretend we’ve only just finished month six for the moment.
Month six. Almost halfway. I’m technically doing a 13 month placement so not quite halfway yet. But, since we’re at the end of month seven I guess I am actually halfway. This just got a bit confusing didn’t it…
Anyway, let’s just say that I am halfway through my placement year.
Reflecting the past six months
It’s been one hell of a half year. I’m now in that five day week, 9-5 lifestyle which will make it very hard when I go back to university.
To make the transition from uni student to placement student, you have to change a lot about yourself.
Firstly, I had to make the leap of moving to London by myself. From not knowing a single person, to starting a brand new job in a huge company working for brands I never thought someone like myself would have the opportunity of doing so. It was going to be so new and I had to just go for it. In no means did I think I was suitable for working in the Luxury division, but six months later and I’m still wearing my high-street clothes and making the absolute most of the free food that’s always on offer. I’m still basically living on a student wage don’t forget.
I had to learn how to budget. I was used to getting paid both monthly and after every shift in my two jobs in Liverpool, so I always had money. But in London I now have to wait until the end of every month and make sure to pay my monthly rent (which is three quarters of my wage ha), pay my gym fees and still afford to eat. Yes I was sipping oysters and drinking champagne last week, but that’s beside the point. I’m still poor – it was oyster happy hour and yes that really is a thing.
I had to mature quite quickly. No more drinking and partying until 5am, five days a week anymore. No more sitting up watching Netflix until I fall asleep. I had to get into a routine of going to bed early, waking up early. The past few weeks I’ve been getting up at 6am to go to the gym before work. Would I have attempted this at uni? Absolutely not. I still can’t master the art of falling asleep before 12am though. I have responsibilities now. I have to be at work at 9am every morning. I feel old.
I’ve lasted the first six months without any major hiccups or ‘I can’t do this’ moments and hopefully the next six will go just as smoothly.
But this is PR. When does anything ever run smoothly
The busiest time of year for Coty Luxury, as most people buy fragrance around this time of year for their friends and loved ones. It was hectic but I loved it. Most of our mailings and planned coverage happened in November to prepare for the Christmas period, but it was still a very busy time in the office.
We had our Christmas party in Somerset House which was really fun! Plus it was on a Friday night so that meant not having to get up early the next morning. Win win. (Even though I still set my alarm for 7am thinking I did have work – I fret too much, I know).
Before the Christmas holidays I even got the chance to work in store, selling our products to the public. I was located in a department store on Oxford Street the week before Christmas and let me tell you, retail is very much not for me.
I’ve never had the opportunity to work in retail before, and now I see why. A lot of standing about, trying to approach the general public who very clearly do not want to be disturbed is not the kind of job I’m very good at. At least with waitressing, yes you were on your feet all day but you were constantly moving and doing things. There was just too much standing about for me and now I can say that I’ve tried it – even if only for two hours – and I don’t think I’ll be trying it again.
It was great to get an insight into what our sales teams do in stores and I was able to check stock levels and make sure all visuals and merchandising were up to scratch. It was also great to experience something different and to see how other people from the company work, even if it’s something totally different to what I do. I have a lot of respect for people in retail, especially when it comes to Christmas time!
Coty Christmas
We held an Influencer and press event at Somerset House during December to showcase our brands and to thank everyone that we had worked with throughout the year. The different rooms looked amazing for each brand and there were immersive elements to each.
I had my shoes polished in the JOOP! WOW! room, a blind taste test in BOSS The Scent room, my own personalised gingerbread cookie made in the philosophy room along with a mini snow storm which was great for the Insta-story.
I helped organise the event which meant a lot of planning, ordering stock, inviting, triple-checking the guest-list and making sure everyone had a good time on the night!
I also learnt the secret way to tie a Tiffany ribbon, but after the 200th bow, it kind of lost its appeal. I’ve spent a lot of time at Somerset House through work events and Christmas will definitely be my favourite memory of the place with the ice-rink and massive Christmas tree. Definitely worth a visit!
Christmas in London
My mum came over to visit for a weekend during December and it was the first time either of us had ever experienced Christmas in the city. We visited Winterville in Clapham, saw the lights on Regent Street and Oxford Street and of course, went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. We also saw Wicked on the West End because well, what’s Christmas without a musical?
We had brunch at the Bluebird in Chelsea, spotted some YouTubers, and took a stroll through Notting Hill and experienced Portobello Road Market for the first time.
There’s so much to see and do in London at Christmas and it truly is a magical time, especially living here and being able to avail of everything going on. I’ll definitely be back for new Christmas traditions but one thing I really need to do is learn how to ice skate before I come back next year!
Thank you 2017
It really was a whirlwind of a year, with the beginning and end being polar opposites. I’ve made so many memories at Coty for the first six months that will stay with me forever, and that’s not to mention the people I’ve met and events I’ve been to.
I reallyyyyyyy hope the next six months are as amazing as the first and I also hope they won’t fly past as quick!
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