My sense of style changes a lot. Most of the time I don’t even think I have a sense of style. However, I always turn to fashion influencers on Instagram for inspiration no matter the day or the occasion.
I’ve put a list together of my favourite fashion influencers to follow on the app and noted why for each one.
For some, I go to them for office wear inspiration. For others, some pops of colour (if I feel like daring away from my usual black attire) and for the rest, I like to look at what luxury clothing looks like and make myself sad because I can never afford it.
If you’d like to follow me on Instagram (for non-fashion related purposes), you can find me at @orlaghclaire.
1. Mia Luckie
If you haven’t heard of SheerLuxe, allow me to introduce you to your new fashion, beauty and lifestyle bible. It’s everything I could ever dream of turning Orlagh Claire into but I unfortunately don’t have a staff of 100 people to help me.
Mia Luckie is the Marketing Director of SheerLuxe and I love following her on Instagram to see what she’s wearing every day, especially to the SheerLuxe offices. Think office chic.
2. Hollie Mercedes
One of my favourite influencers to follow on Instagram is Hollie Mercedes. Not only for her fashion, but for her life in Amsterdam and her little dog Cookie which has to be the cutest (and most hyper) dog I have ever seen in my whole life.
I’ve been following Hollie for a number of years and it’s been amazing to see her evolve from leaving her job in Tommy Hilfiger to going full-time with content creation and starting to attend fashion weeks in Paris and Copenhagen.
Her style is totally unique and recognisable which I love.
3. Emma Noodle
Emma McVeigh is an Irish fashion influencer that I love for office wardrobe inspiration. As well as that, she always finds the most stylish pieces from the high street and has an eye for what’s going to sell well and sell out.
I’m hoping Emma brings her styling masterclasses to London where she now lives as I’d love to have a girly night out and attend one.
4. Laura Jade Stone
Laura Stone is a recent find of mine via Pinterest. She has the most incredible jeans collection that I am very envious of, but she definitely proves that it’s worth investing into luxury denim as it looks amazing.
Her style is very me with blazers, tops and jeans – I just wish I could afford the same luxury brands, but I’ll still try my best to emulate via the high street where I can.
Plus, each time she pops up on my feed I get the urge to chop my hair off and have a short bob like hers.
5. Emily Bull
I feel like I’ve been following Emily Bull for the longest time, ever since I lived in Liverpool and she was working in Topshop as a personal shopper.
Similar to Hollie Mercedes on this list, I’ve watched as Emily worked full time to moving to full-time content creator and growing a huge following on Instagram. Emily is a great go-to at the start of each season to get your wardrobe ready with the trendiest pieces.
6. Monikh Dale
Monikh Dale is more on the luxury side of fashion influencers, but I still love following her for aspirational purposes.
She’s incredibly stylish while making her outfits look so effortless. Monikh’s style is definitely more quiet luxury than big, flashy logos and print, and I love seeing what outfits she puts together.
Plus her home is stunning, so I get interior inspiration at the same time.
7. Amanda Djerf
Sister of the famous Matilda Djerf, and even though she works alongside her, Amanda Djerf has her own unique style away from the Djerf Avenue brand.
Every outfit she wears always seems to be tailored perfectly to her body shape, or she just really knows how to dress for her shape – something I’m still yet to master.
I always save Amanda’s outfit posts to refer back to and see if I have anything similar to assemble together.
8. Laura Klein
When I feel like I want to wear a pop of colour, Laura‘s feed is the one I turn to. Another person I have hair envy of (yes I want to die my hair auburn too, and yes I’m a very conflicted person), Laura’s feed is full of bold print and bold colours.
I wish I could wear this type of clothing and look as cool as Laura doing it.
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