2023 brought me a lot of things. Most of which, you can see in my 2023 Goals Review blog post. But there are some things I hope 2024 brings me that 2023 unfortunately didn’t.
I could list the obvious things here like more money, more success, or more happiness for example but I want to be more specific than that and look into the things that I really hope for in this New Year.
Listed below are five things that I hope 2024 brings me that 2023 didn’t. And if you want to see my full list of goals for 2024, you can view those here.
1. More motivation
I’m great at writing lists. But when it comes to actioning those lists? Not so much.
I love to write lists every day, every week and every month. I’ll add lots of things on there and get to about half of them every time.
Things such as ‘post a TikTok‘, ‘edit my YouTube video‘ or ‘edit an Instagram Reel‘ sit on my to-do lists for weeks and weeks, getting pushed back until the time has passed and it’s too late to do anything with them.
I’m hoping that 2024 brings my more motivation to actually complete the things on my to-do list on the days that I set out to do them. Perhaps, giving myself less to do so that it seems more manageable.
2. More time to read
You might think I read a lot as it is (having read 73 books in 2023), but I read 27 books less than 2022 which is quite a few.
With YouTube, this blog, TikTok and Instagram and of course, my full time job, I find it harder to make time to read.
Gone are the days that I used to wake up after 6am to read my book for two hours every morning. Nowadays if I’m working from home, I savour the opportunity to lie in and sleep until around 8am before getting ready to sit at my laptop for the day.
I’m hoping 2024 comes with more opportunities to read, even if it’s waking up earlier in the mornings or reading before I go to bed at night. I don’t think I’ll be getting through 100 books in 2024, but hopefully I get to read some really good books.
3. Some editing skills
If you don’t know, I have a YouTube channel (not that I’ve mentioned it a thousand times or anything) and I’m still quite a newbie.
I made the upgrade from iMovie to Final Cut Pro and still don’t really have any idea about how to use it. I didn’t have much time (or make the time) to learn how to improve my editing on FCP and want to make room for this in 2024.
It’s one of those things where I feel like I’m wasting time learning about editing, when I could be using that time to edit.
Don’t expect any great cinematography in 2024, but maybe some little animations here and there.
4. Running endorphins
One of my big goals for 2024 is to run 5km. Once I achieve this, I want to move on to running 10km before the year is out.
However, something that 2023 didn’t bring me while I was running, was any running endorphins or the ‘runners high’ as they call it.
I’m yet to feel any sense of elation or any positive emotions while I’m on my runs, as usually the only thought going through my head is, When will this thing finally end?!
So here’s hoping I experience my first runners high in 2024 and that it happens once I complete my first 5km, otherwise who knows if I’ll make it to the 10km.
5. More live music experiences
I live for live music. In fact, while I’m typing this I’m sitting in Nashville Airport waiting for my flight home to London. And if you know Nashville, you’ll know that there’s nowhere else on the planet quite like Nashville, Tennessee when it comes to live music.
I used to be a huge concert-goer, going to a gig once per month, or even more. I guess ever since the pandemic, the live music scene has slowed down a little and there doesn’t seem to be any opportunities to go to as many live acts.
Plus, we won’t even get into the rise in ticket prices and also the competition to even secure concert tickets is crazy.
For me, it doesn’t have to be a 10,000 seated arena concert. It can be a small room of 100 people listening to a performer, it can be an outdoor stadium or it can be a singer in a pub. If it’s live music and it’s good, I’m in my element.
In 2024, I want to be more proactive in finding gigs in the area that I’m in and going out to hear some good live music.
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