This is taken from my weekly newsletter which hits inboxes every Monday morning. At the beginning of each month, I add in an Editor’s letter which you can read below and check out the other elements you can find in my weekly newsletters.
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Monday 10th July 2023
Hello, and welcome to the July edition of the OC Newsletter. It was my worst reading month this year so far because things got busy.
I spent four amazing days in Amsterdam, saw the one and only Harry Styles in concert and my parents visited for weekend so we could celebrate my mum turning 60. Which we did by finally going to the Abba Voyage show in Stratford, which was exceptional.
Socially and travel-wise, it was a busy month, which is why I’ve been enjoying the down time these last couple of weekends to get back to writing, editing and most importantly, relaxing.
We’ve been go, go, go for the last few months with traveling, work and social plans that I haven’t really had a minute to breathe, so it’s been so welcomed spending my nights on the sofa watching Love Island religiously (is this not the best season ever?!) And going nowhere on the weekends.
I also purchased a very large monitor from a neighbour on the island in June and I am obsessed. It’s been game changing editing-wise and has also saved my bank account a lot of money as I’ve been spending less time in my local coffee shop and also wanting to spend more time working from home since I have my very own cinema screen for a monitor.
In other news, last week at work was like the first week of the school year. Our new interns started and naturally it brought me back to my first day as an intern at my company a whole SIX years ago. God, I’m old.
Little did I know what that year would have in store for me and how it would solidify my career choice and that I would be back again a few years later after having spent a year working in New York City and surviving a global pandemic.
So this is your sign that if someone asks you where you want to be in five years, how on earth are you able to predict the future and know that another global pandemic isn’t going to come along and turn the world on its head.
The new global pandemic? AI. It’s coming for all of our jobs.
Speaking of technology, have you joined Threads? I was tentative at first, because do we need another Twitter? However, the transition to join the app was incredibly seamless and I had all of my Instagram following already on my timeline which also aided the experience.
As it’s in its infancy it does feel like quite a nice space as there aren’t any ads and it doesn’t seem like anyone is posting for likes or clout, it actually seems like a much better way to have a sense of community with the big influencers that I follow.
So far, I like it.
As always, you can follow my 2023 journey over on Instagram @orlaghclaire and I will be back next month to report on my east coast road trip!
Orlagh Claire x

What I’ve Been Watching
Blue Lights (BBC iPlayer)
I had heard a lot of people talking about this drama back home and wanted to watch it as it was set and filmed in Northern Ireland.
We had just watched the Once Upon A Time in Northern Ireland documentary and while I did enjoy that, I had a lot of questions and some annoyance at the way it ended.
However, Blue Lights was great. It was true to Irish humour and sarcasm, and also showcased what still happens in the country and I can’t wait for season 2.
What I’ve Been Listening To
Digital Diary by Hannah Elise
I’ve been watching Hannah Elise’s New York vlogs for the last few weeks and gave her podcast a listen. When I say she has the nicest podcast voice I’ve ever listened to, I could listen to her for hours and not want to turn it off.
She’s honest and real on her podcast which is probably why she’s such a popular creator. Enjoying so far.

What I’ve Been Reading
Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson
A beautiful short story about relationships, masculinity and fighting emotions.
Set in South London, the characters of this book leapt from the pages and felt incredibly real.
For a debut novel, I can’t wait to see what else is to come from Caleb Azumah Nelson as this was exceptional and I can see why it’s won so many awards and been in the bestsellers lists for quite some time.
Where I’ve Been Eating
Tacos MX, Fulham
I asked my boyfriend to find us our favourite restaurant in New York, but in London. That restaurant is the Himalayan Cafe in the Lower East Side. So I wasn’t expecting Himalayan food, but I wanted the ambiance. Aka, somewhere you wouldn’t look at twice but that had amazing food for a very good price.
He chose an outdoor Taco shop in Fulham which fit the description, but I wouldn’t say the food was the same level as Cafe Himalaya, but we’ll keep looking.

Where I’m Going Next
East Coast of America
Speaking of New York, that’s exactly where I’m off to next. Well, for 24 hours. Our summer vacation this year is a road trip along the north east of America. We’re hitting Rhode Island, Boston and Salem (again), the Hamptons, Maine, Vermont and more. Road trips are my favourite types of holiday and I am sooo excited for this trip.
And I’ll be vlogging, naturally.
June Podcast Episodes
49. Does A Dream Job Exist?
I’m debating if dream jobs actually exist and questioning whether what I think my dream job is, is actually my dream job. Can you have a job that you love, or is it just there to put food on the table?
48. Where I’ve Been So Far in 2023 and Why I’ve Been MIA Recently
I’ve been MIA for the month of May so thought I would give a little update on what’s been happening and where I’ve been.
June Blog Posts

Where to Eat in Old Spitalfields Market, London
Old Spitalfields Market is located in the Spitalfields area of London, nearest to Liverpool Street Station. Over the next few months, I’m challenging myself to try every single vendor located within Spitalfields market and I’ll be updating this blog post as I go.
The 5 Books I Read in
June, 2023
May was my worst month of reading for the year so far. With many social events and a trip to Amsterdam thrown in, along with a date with Mr Harry Styles, you can see why.
Here are the ratings and reviews of the seven books I read in May.
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