Last week I received a message on LinkedIn from one of my friends. They forwarded me a job advertisement that 1) suited me experience-wise and 2) was within a company that I had always dreamed of working for.
Did I apply for the job? No.
The me of two years ago would have jumped at this opportunity and put my best foot (typing foot, obviously) forward and given the application my all. But how have things changed within such a short period of time?
The job suits and the company is still one I would dream of working for, so what stopped me from applying?
Just reading this job advertisement made me think of my current job role and life situation. At the moment, I’m working remotely from home in Liverpool while my office is in London.
There seems to be no rush of returning to the office any time soon, and with our flat lease in Liverpool coming to an end in a few months, we are thinking of moving to another city in the UK for a change of scenery for a few weeks, and then maybe on to somewhere else.
If I was to apply for the LinkedIn job, it would mean staying in Liverpool for a long period of time. Right now, my priorities are working remotely and being able to move around/travel while doing so, which is what my job currently allows.
Future-wise, if my current contract is extended (I work for a global organization and my team are based in the US), I’m hoping (and praying) that me staying in my current role could get me back to the US or even relocated to another office around the world, be that Singapore, Sydney or Paris for example.
Right now, my priority is flexibility and my values are with travel and being free. I love that I can now perform my job from the comfort of my own home, wherever in the world that may be.
Being able to work remotely has got me excited for the future after such a dismal 2020. We’ve started to plan 2021 already, blocking out weeks here and there with the hope of hopping from place to place, renting only for a few weeks at a time.
The me of two years ago would have prioritised a dream company, or a dream role that would have kept me in one place for a long time. But the me of today prioritises a role that I am good at and enjoy while being able to do it from anywhere in the world.
Two years ago I was living by myself in a flat in Liverpool city centre and I loved it. I was focused on my blog, dreaming of working in New York and determined to finish with a first in my degree.
I had hopes of hopping from country to country, living here and there for a year at a time. Two years ago, I would never have imagined where I am today and the things I’m planning for.
Planning was almost a swear-word in 2020 as it seemed with every plan made, a big cancellation came after it. But now with vaccines on the horizon, a new US president and life just seeming a lot better, I’ve put some faith in planning again.
So looking forward, there is now not only me to plan life around, but two of us. We’ve got three months left on our flat in Liverpool and have somewhere in mind for a five-week stint after Liverpool, followed by a six-week stay in a new location.
That brings us to summer where I may go off by myself for three-four weeks while the bf goes to South Africa for the Lions tournament. Once he returns, we’ve got a six-week block in another place which brings us into September.
September sees the end of our working contracts, but who know’s what is to happen between now and then. September onwards is a blank canvas for now.
As with everything else in the past year, all of this is hypothetical planning but we’re focusing on it as if it will happen. Remember our good old friend, Manifesting?
I’m saving guides on Pinterest, scanning AirBnB, looking at flight prices and provisionally (in my head) booking our next adventures.
As always, every new place I go will be documented on here and I’ll be exploring and eating my way through before having to up and leave again. I’m excited for 2021 already and at the prospect of living out of a suitcase.
Here’s hoping we don’t have to go back to the office!
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