Welcome to week twenty-eight of the backpacking diaries. I’ll be updating you weekly on where I’ve been, what I’ve been getting up to, and most importantly, how I’m really feeling about this insane decision I’ve made.
As you probably know, I’m currently backpacking through Asia after quitting my job and leaving London for good.
I want to remember every moment of this experience, and document as much of it as I can, just like I’ve documented everything else in my life post-18 on this website.
You can keep up to date with my travels on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube but for now, enjoy week twenty-eight of the travel diaries!
If you missed the first twenty-seven weeks of backpacking diaries, you can catch up here.
Top tip: for mobile data around Asia, we used the Jetpac eSim. This was super handy and easily installed onto our phones as soon as we arrived in Japan! Get $5 off your eSIM package when you use my referral code: ORLZRLN2.
Day 190: Monday 23rd September 2024
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Dear travel diary,
We woke up in our Bangkok apartment for the last time for a little while. We’re staying in a hotel near to the bus station tonight, to make it easy for us tomorrow morning.
We spent the morning packing and getting ready for Cambodia, and then grabbed a taxi to take us to our hotel in the city centre. Since we’re staying near the party area, our hotel costs £16 for the night – crazy.
We checked in and then headed to a coffee shop nearby to do some work for the afternoon. Around 6pm, we headed out for dinner to a famous pad Thai spot next door to our hotel.
Snacks were bought from the 7-Eleven attached to our hotel and then we spent our final night in Bangkok watching some TV on my laptop, having an early night for our early start tomorrow.
Day 191: Tuesday 24th September 2024
Location: Bangkok, Thailand & Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dear travel diary,
Today was a long travel day.
I’m glad we decided to stay in a hotel near the bus station last night, which meant we only had a ten minute walk and didn’t have to get up too early.
We grabbed some coffees on the walk and then settled onto the bus at 9am to take us to Cambodia. I still think it’s pretty wild that I’m going back to Cambodia today.
The bus ride was great, and immigration was a breeze to get through and very quick. We arrived in Siem Reap a little ahead of time, just after 4pm.
We checked into The Urban Hotel where we had stayed previously, but this time around I was actually working with the hotel! My first ever hotel collaboration and I was very excited.
Since I had stayed here before, I already knew how great it was and wanted to create some content to showcase this. I was gifted two nights – the night before the yoga retreat, and then the night when I came back from the yoga retreat.
Once we checked in, we headed for dinner at Nick’s restaurant as it’s been so long since I’ve had some fried spring rolls and pineapple curry.
We used to have spring rolls every single day around Sri Lanka, Thailand and Cambodia. But it’s been so long!
Once we came back, I started freaking out about the yoga retreat and not having any idea what to expect and about meeting so many new people. But I was also a little excited to switch off from the world for a few days.
Day 192: Wednesday 25th September 2024
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dear travel diary,
Today’s the day!!
I was collected from The Urban Hotel at 9.30am and hopped into a van that three other people were already in. There was a couple from England and a girl from San Francisco, and we were all headed to the retreat together.
Once we arrived at the retreat (around 10 minutes away), it was like walking into a spa. It instantly felt so calming and peaceful.
We checked in, were given name tags and immediately handed over our phones and electric devices. There wasn’t much time to say any goodbyes or do any last-minute posting.
After this, we were shown to our rooms and given some free time to settle in until the rest of the guests arrived.
It was definitely giving White Lotus, but I was going with it.
My room was incredible. It was up in an almost treehouse-like building with a huge balcony with tables and chairs outside that will be great to sit out on and read or journal.
The room itself was huge! Bigger than our apartment back in Bangkok. The bed was massive, and I had it all to myself. The bathroom had a huge marble-like tub which looked like it would take about a week to fill, and then I also had a balcony out the back, looking over the swimming pool.
There was so much room that I could have ran laps inside – and it was my little haven for the next six days!
The only thing missing was a TV, but I was now without any electronic devices, so I would need to get my hands on a physical book asap.
I settled in and then went down to explore the campus. Quickly finding the huge library in the main welcome area. There were fiction books, spiritual books, yoga books, and books on meditation, and gurus.
I snapped up some spiritual books as well as some fiction (naturally) and then started reading whilst waiting for the activities to start.
Around 11.30am, the retreat started with a welcome circle in the yoga hall, meeting everyone and finding out where everyone was from and why they had come to the retreat. Of course there was another Irish person in the group – there’s always one!
But there were people from America, Malaysia, South Korea, France, Germany, Austria, England, Israel, Cambodia and China. A very varied group!
We had an introduction to yoga and meditation and then it was lunch time. We were on a full vegan diet at the retreat, including gluten free carbs. I was a bit apprehensive about this part of the retreat, but also looking forward to eating vegetables.
But I had nothing to worry about. The food was insane! So many vegetables and everything was so tasty, it was quite hard to believe really.
After filling up on lunch, we had some activities in the afternoon before our first real yoga and meditation session in the evening before dinner.
I’m not sure why, but I felt quite faint during the yoga and thought I was actually going to pass out. I was getting cold sweats and could feel my back and neck was wet, even though I wasn’t that warm.
Of course, I didn’t say anything and sat there hoping that no one would notice and that the feeling would pass. It did eventually.
Dinner that evening was stirfry with rice and again, 10 out of 10. I can’t get over the food here. I’m going to be eating so well and so many vegetables!! The lack of vegetables in Asia has been such a struggle for me and I didn’t expect it at all.
What I would give for a salad or a Sunday roast, but it looks like I won’t have to worry about that this week.
It was lights out at 10pm because each day starts at 6am with a gong around the campus as your wake up call.
Day 193: Thursday 26th September 2024
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dear travel diary,
I didn’t have a great night’s sleep. I think it was a combination of being afraid of missing the wake-up gong and also having animals running across the roof during the night.
It’s the weirdest sensation because you feel like they’re actually in the room with you, the noise is so loud and close. But I know from our time in Sigiriya, Sri Lanka that they’re actually just on the roof. So no need to panic.
The first morning yoga session was tough and I almost passed out again. I don’t know if it’s because I’m not used to being awake at this time, exercising or because I hadn’t eaten anything and didn’t have any water with me.
I had to leave the hall and grab a drink of water to settle myself before I headed back in to finish.
Breakfast was incredible! Gluten free baguette slices with garlic and the creamiest avocado spread ever along with some tomato slices. I over indulged on these along with mango and dragon fruit.
I could easily have this breakfast every single day.
We had a relaxing activity of painting afterwards. I’m not usually one for being artsy as I don’t tend to have the patience for it and always feel like I could be doing something more productive instead.
It was calming since I knew I couldn’t be on my laptop or phone instead, but I don’t think I’ll be giving Picasso a run for his money anytime soon.
At the retreat we’re also treated to two massages – two! I had my first today which was an oil massage and it was incredibly relaxing. I’ve had so many more massages in the past few months than I’ve had in my entire life.
The evening yoga and meditation session was much better. I placed myself next to the air-conditioning unit and had a bottle of water next to me if I needed it.
Dinner was very tasty – tom yum soup and spring rolls. Afterwards we had a games night where we were very silly and childlike. It was fun.
Day 194: Friday 27th September 2024
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dear travel diary,
The morning yoga and meditation went so much better this morning as I didn’t feel faint – a win!
We had a fitness class just before lunch today which I wasn’t excited for as I haven’t exercised at all during my travels (not counting the torturous 12-hour hike up Mount Fuji in Japan).
It was a mix of animal movements (which were hard) followed by a HIIT session. Lunch afterwards was very much deserved, and was possibly my favourite lunch of the whole retreat.
It was make-your-own vegan fajitas with so many vegetables, falafel and the tastiest barbecue and masala sauce. I had three and ended up having a nap afterwards.
We had a large chunk of free time after lunch and before the evening yoga class, so I was able to read and journal for a while.
Dinner was vegan spaghetti bolognese and was so tasty once again, but I only had a small portion since I’d over-indulged at lunch and was still feeling very full.
Tonight’s activity was ecstatic dance which was very much out of my comfort zone but I ended up enjoying it.
Basically, the lights were turned off/dimmed and then different genres of music played and you just danced however you felt in the hall with everyone else.
I was definitely very conscious of everyone else looking at me, but we were all dancing around in our own way – some people even on the floor – so you just had to go with it.
It was also a way of letting out all of our energy as tomorrow is a full day of silence. This isn’t something I’ve ever done before and I know my boyfriend will be wondering how on earth I’m going to manage.
Day 195: Saturday 28th September 2024
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dear travel diary,
Day of silence today. We usually have silence until breakfast any way, so it was nothing new during the yoga and meditation session.
I’m definitely starting to feel the yoga now and my muscles are starting to ache. I should probably keep up the practice afterwards, for sure.
I was looking forward to the day of silence if I’m honest. It would allow a lot of time for reading and journalling. The only part I wasn’t looking forward to was meal-time.
I imagined it would be quite awkward for everyone to sit and eat in silence together. However, it was actually ok. We had vegan porridge this morning and people spread out around the campus to eat.
I sat outside and read for most of the morning and managed to get eight (!!) new mosquito bites, so that was lovely.
My second massage was also scheduled for this afternoon, and I had a traditional Khmer massage which involved a lot of cracking. My poor back.
This evening’s yoga and meditation session was very relaxing as most of it was spent wearing an eye mask and lying down.
The two people on either side of me actually fell asleep and started to snore, so that was entertaining.
Tonight’s dinner was make-your-own buddha bowl – so many vegetables!! They had the barbecue and masala sauce again and hummus. So delicious.
We also had some traditional Cambodian music and singing during dinner. Which made for a very nice evening’s entertainment before bed.
Day 196: Sunday 29th September 2024
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dear travel diary,
Today was a very fun day. It’s the last full day of the retreat and there was lots to do.
We had our usual yoga and meditation session at 7am, followed by breakfast. Then just before lunch we had another fitness class of a HIIT workout and some animal movements.
After the fitness class it was time for a pool party. Everyone got into the water and then took turns in the ice bath.
I had only attempted an ice bath once before in Phuket and lasted around 30 seconds with the water just up to my belly button.
This time, I lasted a whole three minutes! And was fully submerged up to my shoulders. It was awful but did feel good afterwards.
We had another great lunch today – make-your-own vegan banh mis. Basically, make your own baguette sandwich. But the barbecue and masala sauce was brought out again so I was in heaven.
To mark the end of the retreat, we had a fire ceremony in the evening before dinner. We brought pages of things that we wanted to let go and burn. It was quite therapeutic, and there was a lot of chanting.
After dinner was the jam session where we all sang and played musical instruments together. Some people performed poems, jokes, songs and things they had written during the retreat.
I even sang by myself in front of everyone!
Maybe I have changed from this retreat… One more night and then I’ll be reunited with himself, my phone and civilisation tomorrow!
Make sure to check back next week as I’m reunited with himself and head back to our apartment in Bangkok, Thailand!
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