Driving in winters comes with its own battles. If you are living in rural or low-traffic areas, taking care of your car, especially the tyres can be quite challenging during winter as extreme weather conditions will cause you to require more effort.
However, we cannot completely rely on sitting at home and not driving. You will definitely need to drive your car around and get some important chores done too.
Therefore, looking after your tyres while being at home can save you from a lot of car trouble during this season.
Is your tread depth appropriate?
If you want your car to perform well in extreme weather and on rugged land covered with snow, the most important thing you need to check is whether your tyre tread depth is appropriate or not.
A tread depth should always be between 2mm to 3mm especially if you need to establish a strong grip on the road and higher rolling resistance of tyres on icy roads.
To check whether your current tread depth is appropriate or not, you can use the rim of a twenty pence coin that shows minimum tyre measurement of the tread. It is always better to take your car out for a drive with appropriate tread depth to experience a smooth drive in extreme winter weather.
Is your tyre pressure up to the mark?
During winter, tyres tend to lose pressure if the car is kept on a stand still for a longer time. Also, since tyres require higher rolling grip on icy surfaces, air pressure needs to be more in the tyres than usual.
Hence, inserting slightly higher air pressure levels during winter can help your tyres perform better and you might not need to fill in pressure again and again.
To save yourself from deflated tyres during this time you can get your tyres filled up from an appropriate tyre garage near you. Furthermore, many local experts can help you find the right tyres in Dundee, for example you can check with Fife Autocentre.
Do you clean tyres properly?
Make a habit to clean your tyres after every drive in snowy weather as accumulated dirt and snow on the tyres can compromise your driving.
Gathered up material stuck to tyres can also cause them to slip on wet roads. So, it is recommended to properly wash up your tyres and antifreeze them from ice and snow so that your car does not slip on misty roads.
Are you driving safe?
Driving at an accelerated speed can be very risky during winter and can increase accidents up to 20%. Therefore, if you are a rash driver you need to control your driving speed so that your car does not drift away in a wrong direction causing you trouble later.
It is also recommended to avoid driving while it is snowing or when your area is about to experience a hailstorm. As your car and your safety is extremely important too.
You should also always check for proper fuel so that you don’t run out of it in case you are contacted with unexpected rain or snow which will increase your time on road, reducing your speed and increasing your fuel consumption.
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