Coming to terms with the fact that not everyone will like you, is hard. You can be the nicest person in the world and it won’t matter.
You could be Mother Teresa and it still wouldn’t matter. You could cure climate change and world hunger and it still wouldn’t matter.
Why? Because there will still be people out there that don’t like you.
And you know what? That’s ok. In fact, it’s more than ok.
You can’t control how other people feel
The best thing I ever learnt was that you can’t control how other people think and feel. You can control what kind of person you are and how you treat people, but you can’t control how people will react to that.
Like I said above, you could be the nicest person to ever walk this earth and there will be people that find that fact annoying, insincere and have an issue with you being ‘too nice’.
You can’t please everyone on this earth, but as long as you have close friends that love and respect you for who you are, that’s what matters most.
Being happy with yourself is all that matters
Knowing that you are a kind person, a nice person and someone that treats others with respect, then you can feel content in yourself that you’re a good person.
It may matter a little how other people perceive you (especially those that you work for or that you pay your bills to) but if you know in yourself that you’re a good person, that’s really all that matters in the long run.
If you can go to sleep at night knowing that you were a good person that day, don’t worry about the 1% of people that you think don’t like you.
Stop caring about what other people think
Worrying about what other people think can ruin your life. And I’m not exaggerating. If you worry too much about what other people think about you or what they’ll say about you, you’ll stop yourself from doing what you want to do.
You’ll stop yourself from going after what you want, from living the life you want, and from putting yourself out there.
We’re all guilty of doing it and it’s much easier said than done. I’m guilty of it as I still won’t put myself on my Instagram Stories and overthink massively about the content I put out. My YouTube is my favourite social media platform and yet no one from my small town even knows that I have it.
Why? Because I’m petrified that they’ll laugh and talk about it in their screenshots and ask who I think I am to be vlogging on YouTube.
Even as I preach at you with this blog post, I’m still trying to come around to getting over the fear of what other people think and say.
People can change
Another thing to remember is that you can change and you will. The person that people from your past may have known five years ago isn’t the you of today.
You’ve grown and matured and are probably not the same person you were as a teenager and wouldn’t make the same mistakes today that the you as a teenager did.
But unfortunately for the people that knew the you of back then, is probably the you that they still remember and think that you are. Maybe you won’t ever change their minds or their perception of you, but you have to accept that and be able to move on.
If you know that you’re a better person now and that everyone you meet going forwards will know the new and improved you, then you can be happy in yourself that you’re trying to be the best person that you can.
You’re not going to be for everyone and that’s ok
But even with doing the most and being the nicest person this world has ever seen you still won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
It could be your hair, it could be your accent, it could be your choice of footwear. The main thing to realise is that it’s not up to you what other people think and how they feel.
You can try your hardest to make people like you, but at the end of the day you can’t force it and not everyone will like you. As long as you keep being kind, keep being polite and keep being a good person, you’re doing ok.
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