The fact is if you have a great podcast but nobody is listening to it, you’ve got to get your content out there!
But it’s not just enough to have a great podcast; you’ve got to think about the entire package. Supplementary content is pivotal. You only have to look at some of the great podcasts out there that have been going for years to see that it’s about that entire package.
So what are the things you need to consider when you are creating supplementaries for your podcast?
Think about your SEO
Something that we don’t always bear in mind, but search engine optimisation is crucial when it comes to engaging with the right people. There are many different things that you need to consider here, not least the right SEO agency.
There are plenty of resources out there, including, but also bear in mind how this content can boost your rankings based on keywords.
The podcast transcription can become web copy to help you create additional content, but it can also boost your SEO rankings. One of the best ways to do this is to think up questions or content that match your keywords.
Make great show notes
Show notes are so important. People don’t have time to digest a 2-hour podcast straight away, and if that podcast is full to the brim with amazing information, you’ve got to start breaking it down into more digestible chunks.
Timestamping your content on YouTube and on the website is important, but you’ve also got to create really good show notes. Show notes can be a perfect supplementary to a podcast, but you’ve got to write them in the correct way.
There is a guide on to get you started.
Create bite-sized pieces for promo purposes
Based on the almost indigestible nature of certain podcasts, we’ve got to have people engage with us on a semi-regular basis. We need to remember that podcasts are, at the end of the day, a marketing tool and are part of the numbers game.
This is why we need to create bite-sized pieces of our podcast so that they are digestible and communicate the salient points.
Those people who want to listen to the podcast can do so, but for those who need the tools and the lessons quickly, bite-sized pieces are invaluable.
When you go back over your content if you can find 2-minute sections that really communicate some fantastic information, these can be a perfect part of how you promote yourself.
Listen back to it for future ideas
Finally, you have to be inspired for future episodes. When you get the right guest you can let them go for as long as possible, because this doesn’t just make for engaging content with the right person, but it also allows you more inspiration.
It’s not always easy to get the right people, but when it comes to having the right person who will give you nuggets of gold, you can almost come up with an infinite number of episodes afterwards.
Contents like podcasts are a part of the fabric, but having supplementary content will make a massive difference as well.
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