I’m always one for new year, new goals and starting with a clean slate on the 1st of the month or even 1st of the year. But thinking more about goals, why do we always wait for the 1st or for Monday to start working on ourselves?
I always remember when going on diets, I would always say, ‘I’ll start on Monday’ and probably eat everything sugary and fatty in sight before Monday rolled around.
But if we made a start on our goals the minute we thought about them, imagine how much further along we’d be that more quickly?
Why can’t 4pm on a Thursday be your new Monday? Why wait for the 1st of January to implement new habits when you could start at the end of November?
Start today
And thank yourself tomorrow. I always think of this when it comes to my blog. I remember when I was thinking about starting a blog and looking at other already accomplished blogs and thinking, I’ll never get there.
I thought about how crap my blog was going to look when I only had one or two posts on there, didn’t really know how to work WordPress and my layout was just useless.
But then I thought, Ok, it’s probably not going to look that great right now or in the next few weeks, but think about what it might look like a year from now if I just start today.
Four years later, and look where we are. I’m very thankful that I started that day and didn’t keep putting it off for the next day.
Start small
One of the worst things you can do with new goals is to make too many changes at once. It’s like when we go into the new year saying ‘new year, new me’ and start the 1st of January cutting out alcohol, chocolate, fizzy drinks, takeaways etc. all in one go.
By day five, you’re craving everything you cut out and probably coming down with a sugar crash, feeling tired and having headaches.
Start smaller with little goals and build from there. It’s just like compound habits. If you want to walk 10,000 steps every day but currently walk closer to 1,000, start off aiming for 5,000 steps every day and in a week or so, build to aiming for 6,000 steps and keep building on your goals.
So the same goes for all goals. If you want to write a book for example (no small goals over here) then you could aim to write 500 words every day. If you start right now, right this second, you would have 3,500 words completed by the end of the week. Leaving it until a new month, well you’ll be thousands of words from your target.
Just start
Such a simple thing to say, but I honestly can’t say this enough. Whatever it is you want to do, just start it. Whether that’s a YouTube channel, a blog, a reading challenge or writing a book, just start today.
It’s always daunting to start something, especially if it’s a social media channel as you may feel disheartened with 0 followers, but imagine where you could be in six months’ time, a years’ time and even three years from now if you keep at it.
Instead of delaying your success, speed it up by starting your new project today. Don’t over think it, just go for it!
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